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- Payment must be made within 3 days of receiving acceptance email and payment instructions to secure your registration. If we don’t receive your full payment in due time your reserved spot may be given to another person.
- Please take care of all transfer costs and conversion cost if paying via bank transfer.
- Unfortunately we cannot refund your purchased class pass for any reason, but you may transfer your class pass to someone else with the same dance role (leader or follower). If you do so, let us know by email to whom you sold your class pass so we can update the registration.
- All participants are attending the event at their own risk
- The Ministry of Balboa do not assume any liability or responsibility for incidents and/or injuries and loss or damage of any personal belongings during the classes or socials.
- Most classes must have at least a minimum of 4 couples registered to be guaranteed. For some it is higher.
- Being in the EU and a non-profit organization we are bound by the GDPR rules.
- Just by registering or contacting us you give us permission to store, handle and process those data, inclusive any private data you give us.
- You also give us permission to contact you regarding the class, event or workshop you registered or inquired about.
- We will mostly contact you using email or perhaps a SMS text. But should there really be a need we may use any other method.
- We will only send mass bulk email promotions to those that explicit registered for that, and such a consent may be withdrawn at any time using the link in the bottom of the emails we sent out.
- We will not sell your data to anyone.